Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura


Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura

from $300.00

February 2023
Series: Chakra Harmony
Material: UV print on aluminum and Archival print on paper

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Manipura, is a center of power and willpower located in the area of the stomach. It is said to be associated with the element of fire, representing transformation and inner strength. In spiritual traditions, the Solar Plexus Chakra is believed to govern our sense of self, personal power, and purpose. When this chakra is balanced, one is able to cultivate confidence, self-esteem, and a strong sense of purpose. When it is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and a lack of motivation. Through meditation, breathwork, and other spiritual practices, we can activate and balance this powerful energy center, unlocking our full potential and tapping into the divine fire within.

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Chakra Harmony

 A Visual Journey Through the Interconnectedness of Body, Mind & Spirit

"Chakra Harmony" is a contemplative gaze at the ancient concept of chakras. In his series debut, artist Oleg Sharov explores the flow of energy through our being and how it is intertwined with our physical and emotional states through the medium of black and white photographs of yoga pose silhouettes.

Each of the seven chakras is symbolized by a carefully selected yoga pose, representing a specific aspect of the human experience. From the grounding and security of the root chakra, to the spiritual enlightenment of the crown chakra - this series takes us on a journey through the different aspects of our energetic body.

The use of black and white imagery emphasizes the simplicity and purity of the chakra system, while the silhouettes add a touch of mystery and intrigue. These photographs are visually striking in hopes to inspire deep reflection and contemplation.

For those interested in spirituality, yoga, and the connection between the physical and energetic bodies, this series offers a visual feast for the soul. It is a reminder that we are not separate from the universe but rather an integral part of it, and that true peace and happiness come from balancing and harmonizing the flow of energy within us.